When is Memorial Day 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025? – Everything about Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day 2023, 2024: Memorial day was previously celebrated on May 30 of each year but a couple of years later the day was changed to the last Monday of May month. As it can be a long weekend and people can enjoy it more. Now a days the main motive of the memorial day is left aside and, this day is specially makes people engage into different personal plans like picnics, parties and shopping. There are also lots of memorial Days offers deals and sales in many stores. People spend their memorial day weekend shopping at their favorite stores. We know you are searching for When is memorial day 2023. Do you know When is memorial day celebrated this year & next year as well as????. Well I like to inform you about all Memorial day dates starting from the year 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 til 2099. It’s surely enough data for you. Below, you can check the Observance dates of Memorial Day starting from the year 1971 till 2099.

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Memorial Day Quotes

Good Morning Memorial Day Images

Year Memorial Day
1972 2000 2028 2056 2084 May 29
1973 2001 2029 2057 2085 May 28
1974 2002 2030 2058 2086 May 27
1975 2003 2031 2059 2087 May 26
1976 2004 2032 2060 2088 2100 May 31
1977 2005 2033 2061 2089 2101 May 30
1978 2006 2034 2062 2090 2102 May 29
1979 2007 2035 2063 2091 2103 May 28
1980 2008 2036 2064 2092 2104 May 26
1981 2009 2037 2065 2093 2105 May 25
1982 2010 2038 2066 2094 2106 May 31
1983 2011 2039 2067 2095 2107 May 30
1984 2012 2040 2068 2096 2108 May 28
1985 2013 2041 2069 2097 2109 May 27
1986 2014 2042 2070 2098 2110 May 26
1987 2015 2043 2071 2099 2111 May 25
1988 2016 2044 2072 2112 May 30
1989 2017 2045 2073 2113 May 29
1990 2018 2046 2074 2114 May 28
1991 2019 2047 2075 2115 May 27
1992 2020 2048 2076 2116 May 25
1993 2021 2049 2077 2117 May 31
1994 2022 2050 2078 2118 May 30
1995 2023 2051 2079 2119 May 29
1996 2024 2052 2080 2120 May 27
1997 2025 2053 2081 2121 May 26
1998 2026 2054 2082 2122 May 25
1971 1999 2027 2055 2083 2123 May 31

Memorial day weekend 2023 is observed for many days until the end of the memorial or remembrance of the loved people who have devoted their lives to the country. Labor Day marks the end of Memorial day 2022. You can have fun on this memorial day weekend and we will be giving you many memorial day quotes and images for sharing it with your families and friends.

Table of Contents

When is Memorial Day 2023? – What Is It and What should you do on this holiday?

People visit the cemeteries where the brave soldier who lost their lives in the war were buried and decorate their graves with flowers and also celebrate with some patriotic theme programs. Previously this day was designated for the soldier who died in the civil world war but later this day was dedicated to all the soldiers in the military services.

Celebrating Memorial Day - Happy Memorial Day Thank You Quotes
Celebrating Memorial Day – Happy Memorial Day Thank You Quotes

You can completely enjoy the Saturday and Sunday of memorial day weekend. This year, It has been observed on May 31, which is Monday.

  • You can also go out do shopping on the special memorial day sales, hang out with your friends and family.
  • You can also participate in any events or parades taking place on memorial day weekend.

Obviously, it’s a pride day that we celebrate this day to show our respect to all those who really deserve it. It’s because of them we are living happily and peacefully with our families in our day-to-day life, without the fear of terrorism and wars.

Yes, I know that you guys will also go to cemetery of our American soldiers and place an American flag in the front of them. A Grand Salute to all those who sacrifice their life for the country. Happy Memorial Day Weekend 2023 to all of you guys.

  • Memorial Day in 2019 was on Monday, the 27th of May.
  • Memorial Day in 2020 was on Monday, the 25th of May.
  • Memorial Day in 2021 was on Monday, the 31st of May.
  • Memorial Day in 2022 is on Monday, the 30th of May.

Meanwhile, Memorial day was called Decoration day early in the decade and It’s celebrated for the American soldiers and Confederate armies who died during the Civil War of America. Celebrations honoring American Civil War soldiers started the year after the war ended.

Honoring Memorial Day Brave Quotes
Honoring Memorial Day Brave Quotes

After World War I, the day expanded to honor those who have died in all American wars. No less than 25 places have been named in connection with the origin of Memorial Day, and states observed the holiday on different dates.

  • It is now observed in almost every state on the last Monday in May with Congressional passage of the National Holiday Act of 1971 (P.L. 90 – 363).
  • This helped ensure a three day weekend for Federal holidays, though several southern states have an additional separate day for honoring the Confederate war dead: January 19th in Texas; April 26th in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi; May 10th in South Carolina;

John A. Logan leader of an organization for civil war veterans called for a day of remembrance on May 5 1862. Later 30th May was the day designated for this purpose as a memorial day. Decoration Day celebration took place on 30-May-1868. When US Memorial Day became a holiday, it was given the floating date of the last Monday in May month. US Memorial Day weekend is observed on the 3 days of May month as like Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

The change went into effect in 1971. The same law also declared Memorial Day a federal holiday. Urban communities and towns over the United States host Memorial Day parades every year, regularly fusing military faculty and individuals from veterans’ associations.

Events and Activities

Memorial day has been an outstanding way to collect the old and young together and gather as a group thus increasing unity within the country. A percentage of the biggest parades occur in Chicago, New York, and Washington, D.C. Americans likewise celebrate Memorial Day by going to cemeteries and commemorations.

Memorial Day Honoring the Men Women Thank You Picnics Beaches and Sales
Memorial Day Honoring the Men Women Thank You Picnics Beaches and Sales
  • Sporting events are abundant during the Memorial Day weekend.
  • All families visit war memorials and Soldier’s cemeteries to honor the dead veterans especially if they include any relations.
  • Many people spend the weekend boating at a local lake or beach.
  • Extended families gather to eat, barbecue, play games, and enjoy the company of their loved ones.
  • At Washington, members of the U.S. Army and volunteers place small United States flags at each tombstone.

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